  • SuperCyan

    Growing up, I guess.

    I'm really not in a position to say I'm "grown up," but I've had plenty of experience with seeing how life changes as time goes on. Sure, I don't have the lack of responsibility like I did when I was younger, but I've gotten a lot of benefits from it. It sucks working every day, but in the end you get money to do things (well, until you live on your own) and it feels like you're working for a purpose. Even though you have to pay for gas, it's pretty awesome being able to go just about anywhere for as long as you want, unless you have something to do the next day.

    People say high school is the best time of your life, but from the small amount of experiance I've had outside of it, the rest of my life looks a lot better. I've taken college-format classes (show up for a couple hours a couple times a week), and it's a lot better than waking up early and slaving about for 8 hours a day in an unfavorable enviornment that you don't have a choice being in. Sure, you can get stuck in a bad job, but there's at least a small chance that you could change to a more likeable job.

    In the end, there's a lot more responsibility with getting older, but the benefits that come from it make it worth it. When you ask just about anyone, "Hey, want to go back to high school," they're most likely going to say "No."