Conversation 10 comments by 7 users
  • YourTaxGuy

    ...who can bend his index finger all the way back to touch the back of his hand.

    And PLEASE don't try to prove me wrong and end up in the hospital.

    • GeniusIComeAnon

      I've known people who could do that. Double-jointed in the wrist or something, I guessed.

    • Medicine

      Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?

      • YourTaxGuy

        Well, I've never heard about it before today, but it sounds about right. I can do both this and this without any pain, though I have no intention of trying this. I'm also double jointed.

        That said, I've never had any pain unless I push my fingers to the limit, never dislocated anything, etc. So maybe it's a mild version. Idk.

        • ColonBowel

          I just made fists after looking at those picture.

    • Aticusdarklord

      I can too stop lying also can you bend your wrist all the way down? or can you make your thumb flat on your hand?

      • YourTaxGuy

        Thumb flat, yes. I'm not sure what you mean about the wrist.

    • sushmonster

      I do that with my thumb! :D

    • Rhumanity

      ouch... does it hurt?

      • YourTaxGuy

        If I do it all the way back, then yes, it hurts a bit for a second or two. But I can hold it at 3/4 of the way without it hurting at all.