
Is your pile of stuff to watch / read still at a manageable size?

9 years ago by redalastor with 12 comments

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  • drunkenninja

    I try and keep mine small and manageable, but lately it has been growing in size. Some trimming is necessary!

  • stitches

    God no. I need to do some serious damage limitation this weekend....

    • stitches

      Update: watched 3 film tonight. Feeling like I accomplished something (even if that was only sitting still and eating chocolate)

  • smackababy

    I'm going to go against the grain here and say yes, it's absolutely at a manageable size. However, actually knocking things off has been slow the past couple of weeks, I've been as busy as a son-of-a-gun recently.

    If I may get reflective for a minute, I think the biggest change in my thinking as a cultural consumer over the past few years is learning when to let stuff go from that pile without feeling guilty. Having a full-time job rather than being in college probably facilitated this change - having money but not time rather than time but not money. For example: I'm never going to beat Wasteland 2. That's ok, because even though the ending might be great and I'd probably have a good time playing it, I already got a lot of enjoyment out of it and there's so much else out there. And, by not feeling obligated to sit down and play it, I freed up the time and energy to play a few smaller games on my list, like Her Story and Endless Space. I probably won't ever watch Game of Thrones but I sure as heck am going to watch the next season of Kimmy Schmidt and read Saga.

    • emmg

      I've decided to read game of thrones instead of watching it. Because I have more opportunities to read than to sit down and actually watch a television series. And apparently they're good books. I started the first tomb last year and the format is really fun.

  • caelreth

    Nope, can't say that it is. Of course, I can't say that it isn't. I can't really keep track of the list anymore, thanks to aging and having children :)

  • snakepaws

    Not even a little. I have more movies and TV shows lined up than I have years left in my life, I'm sure. Same goes with my ever-growing Steam account, as far as games are concerned - curse you, bundles! My stack of books is still somewhat manageable though, but my issue there (as is with movies, shows, and games) is that I spend more time browsing through what I could watch/read, than I do actually doing either.

  • oystein

    I have had the problem that I have bought way too much stuff to watch and read for many years. It's a sad state of affairs.

  • 077340

    Never! And the saddest part is that I just know I'll never finish!

  • emmg

    It's manageable...I think. I mean what's happened in the last few years is that I've become a lot less interested in more things...which is GREAT because I have less time to watch and read the things I want to watch and read. Before I used to want to see one out of...let's say 3 movies I saw a trailer for (which equalled about 50 movies a year). Now, I WANT to see about 10 movies a year that are released...and I actually only really want to invest time in about 5 movies a year. Even less for tv series. I listen to a lot of podcasts and I read a lot. I'm currently following 25 mangas and 10 DC comic series, as well as whatever peaks my interest in comics. I'm reading 6 book right now as well as news every day and whatever I find on snapzu or wikipedia. Most of my spare time is spent reading. Or cooking.

    It's definitely manageable...I think. My pile of books is small compared to the missus'.