
What principles do you live by?

9 years ago by sea with 38 comments

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  • CuppaMatt

    The golden rule, my mantra, my religion:

    "Don't be a Dick!"

    • Gozzin

      "Don't be a Dick!" My father was one..A real selfish loudmouth. I decided to be just the opposite of him, and I am.

  • kittymonst3r

    This quote sums it up for me.

    “My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you've been mean to someone, they won't believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it's time to stop being nice, then destroy them.” -Laurell K. Hamilton

    • sea

      So true, that ending caught me by surprise though!

      • kittymonst3r

        Ha-ha! It really made me think when I first encountered it too. I ended on the thought that that's how far you have to push being nice, so far that you don't care what they think of you anymore, so what's the point in holding back at that point? Destroy them for pushing you that far.

        Of course, this doesn't mean that a man can't say no, it just takes being kind and firm in saying no.

  • MePLUR

    Do to others as you would have them do to you. It's served me well so far.

    • HeyYourself

      This is the way to go. Pretty similar to "Be the change you want to see"

    • sea

      No way, I made the exact same comment in the parents thread a couple of hours ago! Couldn't agree more.

  • rothelys

    Everyone should do what he wants, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone else.

    • sea

      Hear hear.

      ...nihilists would disagree, though.

  • FrootLoops (edited 9 years ago)

    - Only do to others what you can accept done to yourself.

    - No alcohol, no smoking, no drugs

    - Keeping my impact to the environment as low as possible

    - I am a vegetarian

    • HeyYourself

      To add to your first one: Dont expect everyone to treat you that way.

      • FrootLoops

        That's true but it's hard for me to accept. I get disappointed in people to fast.

    • sea

      That's a pretty watertight list, good onya!

  • stitches

    Treat people as you'd like to be treated, but don't expect everyone to do as you do.

  • giovahkiin

    "There is nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as you learn from them."

    A bit cliché, but that's what I believe in :)

  • ecstasybread

    Well there's the principle of the conservation of energy, that's important...

    Other than that I just try to be a decent human being and earthling.

    • Guilhem

      Found a real life Hotaro Oreki ! (from Hyouka)

      • ecstasybread

        Hah! I was referring to the physical principle and I had to Google that name, but actually, yeah, he seems to have life pretty much figured out.

        Hōtarō's typical day at home involves reading the daily newspaper and napping [...]

        Just replace "daily newspaper" with "snapzu".

    • sea

      Eh I'm not to fond of the first one, I prefer to destroy my energy once and for all once I'm done with it.

      • ecstasybread

        Ah, well that stops it falling into the wrong hands I suppose. You can't be too careful these days.

  • Odd

    Pretty age old one but mine is, "Don't judge a book by it's cover." So many things/people I've been surprised by after making an initial snap judgement that I try not to do it anymore.

    • stitches

      completely agree, so many people judge from first impressions, you never know what you're getting until you know someone.

  • septimine

    I believe in the principle of reciprocity. I owe certain things to certain people because of who they are, and ideally, they owe things to me because of who I am. I owe my leaders respect because they're my leaders. They should make decisions with my best interest in mind. I owe my parents respect and obedience and care in old age. They owe me a decent upbringing and guidance. It's basically Confucian.

    I'm also somewhat a stoic, meaning that you have to deal with the world as it is, and you have to choose your reaction to it. I'm working on this part.

  • treelegs666

    Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Another kind of along the same lines would be luck favors the prepared. I like to try to live by those two. I don't always succeed but I try.

  • VoyagerXyX

    Meth. Not even once.

    Seriously though if I had to pick one thing it would be "Always give people a chance to be good people." If you don't know someone there's a strong chance they could be lovely and pleasant and perhaps down right interesting and kind. Give people a chance to be good before assuming everyone in the world is bad or out to get you. It's just not true. The majority of people are kind, loving, and accepting.

  • neg8ivezero

    Geez. I don't even know where to start. I am not a religious person at all and so my "code," as it were, is not really a specific list of tenets or anything. I'll do my best to make it fit that format.

    1. Be willing to compromise/concede on any point at all times if the evidence supports a differing conclusion

    2. Trust your intellect over your emotions

    3. Sentience is an opportunity for the universe to observe itself, each conscious mind is a part of the universe and should be treated with respect, love, and compassion.

    4. Do your best to make everything better than the way you found it

    5. Bravery is not the absence of fear, it is taking action in spite of it for a noble cause. Be brave.

  • cannon (edited 9 years ago)

    Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. - Marcus Aurelius

  • voicesinmyhead

    My father taught me how to drive. Before we even left the driveway on the first day, he said, quite simply, "don't be a nice driver, be a correct driver".

    In the past few months, I've seen several collisions occur primarily because someone was "nice" and let the other driver go before they had right of way. The problem here is that not every driver (e.g. at a four-way stop) is aware that driver A is waving driver B through.

    So now I'll rarely give anyone a break. I'm not being a jerk (despite the insults the other driver is likely yelling at me), I just don't want the hassle of dealing with the insurance company and/or lawyers when someone cuts in where they shouldn't and tries to blame it on me for waving them through.

  • Gelidaer

    I try not to lie (unless it's for a joke) since it's so easy to lie and get away with it. My thinking is that I shouldn't need to lie. But this thinking also makes me pretty gullible...

  • Havok

    If everybody in the world were to act the way I'm acting, would the world be a better place?

  • wulfboy01

    I try to live in the moment. To be mindful of my thoughts and actions. If I do these things, I tend to also do the right thing. I try to think first, and ask myself, what response would give the best outcome to everyone involved. This isn't an easy road for me, but I do my best.

  • a7h13f (edited 9 years ago)

    Give everyone the information they need to make the best decisions possible.

    Pursue happiness, so long as that pursuit doesn't interfere with anyone's ability to do the same.

  • Blavatsky

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

    Love is the Law, love under will

  • oystein

    I try to follow the laws of Thermodynamics.

  • zaywolfe

    Don't allow yourself into a position where you will compromise.

    By older brother taught me this. If you know you'll cave in to a vice or make a bad decision on something stop the conditions that put you into a position to do so.

  • sBj (edited 9 years ago)

    While I fully understand he may not be the healthiest roll model, Raistlin Majere from 'DragonLance' had a goal throughout his rise that I have worked at.

    His words: "I owe you nothing."

    This isn't being unappreciative, but rather paying your debts. Both in the financial/tangible sense as well as emotional/supportive.

    Another way to think of this would be Black Widow in the first 'Avengers' movie wanting to erase the red from her ledger.

    I basically feel that I am the only one that I can truly rely on in this world. So if I need to make a decision that might not be beneficial for another party (not malicious mind you, I'm not a sociopath), I don't need to worry about my debts to that party in my decision making.

  • superkiwi (edited 9 years ago)

    The benefit of the doubt. Most people are good and mean well.