giovahkiin's feed
9 years agoLevel Up giovahkiin
Level 3
giovahkiin is now level 3 with 3,505 XP.
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9 years agoComment giovahkiin
My favourite is also Animal Crossing: Wild World since I've sunk so much time on it but I've also got a soft spot for the Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban series.
Posted in: Favorite DS game of all time?
9 years agoAchievement giovahkiin
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations giovahkiin on this achievement!
+1300 XP -
9 years agoLevel Up giovahkiin
Level 2
giovahkiin is now level 2 with 1,075 XP.
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9 years agoComment giovahkiin
"There is nothing wrong with making mistakes as long as you learn from them."
A bit cliché, but that's what I believe in :)
Posted in: What principles do you live by?
9 years agoComment giovahkiin
I've always wanted to learn everything that is a 'language,' whether a spoken/written language, a programming language, or even a fictional, made-up language for some book or video game or something.
9 years agoComment giovahkiin
Most of my on-the-go gaming is on my 3DS now, but when all I have is my iPhone, I play Atomas. (It's also available on Android now!)
There's also Neko Atsume (ねこあつめ) but it's basically a non-game.
Posted in: What is your go-to game on your phone?
9 years agoComment giovahkiin
Location: the Philippines! (good Lord it's raining so much here)
Interests: technology, video gaming, eating (ha!), programming, and retro consoles, oddly enough
Artists: B'z, Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay, Gorillaz, The Oh Hellos (I just shuffled my playlist :P)
Films: Inside Out (2015), Up, The Internship, the Harry Potter series, Frozen (just because I got Let It Go stuck in my head again)
Games: Animal Crossing New Leaf, Super Smash Bros. 3DS, Fire Emblem Awakening, Skyrim, The Sims 3
A dream/goal of mine: to start a successful software/game development company (how arbitrary.) I guess a timelier goal would be to successfully adapt to my first year of college this August...
two truths and a lie: 1) I'm afraid of spiders, 2) I'm gonna be a BS CS student but I'm not knowledgeable that much in programming, and 3) I exercise daily.
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9 years agoComment giovahkiin
I'm from the Philippines, where there are only two seasons -- wet and dry.
Right now it's heavy rains throughout the week, though.
Posted in: What Country do you come from?