  • Rhumanity

    lmao why does everyone assume I'm a dude?

    • Wenjarich

      Hahaha sorry, I honestly wasn't even imagining a gender when I gave that response despite the "man" part. It's just one of my go to response to an unknown Internet stranger who has said something nice. That said, I have noticed a lot of women online complain about the same thing, so you are not alone there, it does seem to be the assumtion a lot of users make.

      I'd like to think that it's kind of got to do with, if you don't know anything about the other person on the other end, you assume similar traits to yourself because that's the easiest to relate to. Hence if you deal with a guy they'll probably assume you are a guy. Anyway, that's just my random 2 cents :)

      • Rhumanity

        I'm not complaining about it. I actually just think it's funny because I didn't think I type like a man would, at least in my responses to things but I guess the internet really strips us all down to Asexuals to a certain degree. lol

      • Rhumanity

        also it's happened 4 or 5 times within the past day so I guess I just noticed it.

      • Wenjarich
        @Rhumanity -

        Haha I love how we are having two completely seperate conversations at the same time :D

      • Rhumanity
        @Wenjarich -

        that's what happens when you respond in my snaps lol :)

      • Wenjarich
        @Rhumanity -

        Also going through this thread now I feel I should say, you seem like a very nice person! Keep being awesome! :)

      • Rhumanity
        @Wenjarich -

        why thank you :) you too