Conversation 17 comments by 9 users
  • Fuyu

    Illegally: Just about every piece of software, music, or video.

    Legally: Bottled water. For the most part tap water is safe to drink, and while bottled water is convenient, most people simply don't want to invest the forethought into refilling water bottles and just buy more.

    I personally am guilty of this, but that's because I mostly drink well-water and when I go to college the city water there tastes absolutely awful.

    • stitches

      Yup, water......or council pop as we call it around our way

      • Qukatt

        "cloud juice" is one I've heard as well

    • Guilhem

      I don't get what is wrong with enjoying bottle water, it doesn't taste like tape water (here tape water is always drinkable). Sure it's more expensive that tape water but I really enjoy a Perrier, St Pelegrino or a Badoit with a meal.

      Water is more that pure H2O.

      • Fuyu

        I don't disagree, although most people do it out of laziness as opposed to taste. It takes more effort to fill up a container of tap water and put it in the fridge and keep it filled (as well as using cups to actually drink it) than it does to keep bottles stocked in the fridge.

        • Guilhem (edited 8 years ago)

          Funny thing, I drink tape water when I'm too lazy to go to the store. But I see what you mean.

          • double2 (edited 8 years ago)

            Just to let you know - I think you are meaning to say "tap water". Tape would be like sticky tape or a tape measure, whereas a tap is another name for a faucet, tap water being the water that comes out of it :)

            Also - that is a funny outlook. You must have some pretty shitty tap water! I know my friend in Prague has the same issue.

            • Guilhem

              Actually I have pretty great tap water. I live in France. I just enjoy carbonated water. I have tried sodastream but it's just not the same.

              Yeah dumb mistake. Either my tablet autocorrected with French or I was really tired.

            • double2 (edited 8 years ago)
              @Guilhem -

              Ah, just thought I'd say in case it was a linguistic blind spot.

              Hey, if they bring fracking to france you might get free carbonated water out of your taps yet.

            • Guilhem
              @double2 -

              No fracking for now !

        • double2 (edited 8 years ago)

          This is it - laziness. Bottled water is more of a service than a product. You're buying the cooling process and convenience, not just a volume of water.

        • redalastor

          I put lemon slices in my tap water before I put it in the fridge. That way it's both chilly and delicious when I drink it.

      • nauthas

        Most water companies that bottle water use tap water (municipal water), or below standard water. The reason why you think it tastes better is because of the placebo effect of expecting it to taste better. Here's a Penn and Teller bit on it (there's a bit of swearing, but not much).

        • Guilhem

          Here if you bottle tap water you can't sell it as "mineral water" only natural source water can get that appellation. Nobody is going to spend money on some crappy bottled water. As I have said in others answers, I mainly buy bottled water for carbonated water.

          • nauthas

            Mineral water is indeed different. It still can be found to be below standards, as regulations are rather lenient around the world.

    • Cobbydaler

      Agree, water.

    • berrste

      Bottled water vs tap water is the first thing I think about when the placebo effect is mentioned.