
What popular thing did you NOT get into?

8 years ago by bradd with 8 comments

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  • a7h13f

    MySpace. Never had one, never wanted one.

  • jenjen1352

    Everything. They weren't popular when I was in them anyway.

  • massani

    Breaking Bad.

    I tried I think 2 1/2, maybe 3 seasons, and just stopped watching. And no I don't plan on picking it back up. I just didn't really think it was all that great.

  • DrunkOldMan

    Smart phones! I'm over "plugged" in as it is. Just don't see the need to have it 24/7. That's just me though.

    • click

      it can have it's uses - internet on the go is kinda nice. Also my family's primary communication method is whatsapp sooooo.....

  • mcsmitheslc

    JNCO jeans in the 90s. Everyone else had them, but I never did since my parents wouldn't let me wear stuff like that as well as not being able to drop that kind of money on fad clothing, but most of all I thought they looked ugly.

  • lostwonder

    Pokemon. Never had an interest in them.