
What is your "coolest" project so far?

8 years ago by douglas77 with 8 comments

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  • darkcape

    I won't call it "cool" but I took an ATtiny85 and turned it into an annoy-a-tron different pauses and tone frequencies. It was supposed to be good for 3 years of battery life but only lasted 2 days.

  • FiveGHz

    I made a cooling system for my home theater cabinet. It sits on top of my onkyo receiver, pulls air through it, and blows it out of the front. I have an RGB LED on the front to indicate the temperature of the receiver. It's nothing really advanced or anything, but it is useful to me. Also, I replaced the arduino dev board with an ATTiny84.

    • douglas77

      Nice idea! Do you control the fan speed based on the temperature?

      • FiveGHz

        My initial prototypes started out with that in mind; however, in my experience with the blower fans I'm using, oscillating an output to a TIP-120 caused an annoying sound in the fan's motor.

  • Kysol

    Haven't really done much, still a novice but my first main project was to interface with an XBOX 360 and create a programmable stick. Got it working, got a few PCB's made up now I'm just soldering the components on and hopefully not frying them at the same time. My breadboard is still active, so worst case scenario is that I can go back to that to refine the design and so on.

    Technically, I think that it could be done a whole lot easier, but at the moment it's just a couple of Shift Registers, and some transistors to create the button press closed circuits.

    • douglas77

      Are those transistors connected to the buttons of an existing gamepad?

      • Kysol

        yeah to isolate the circuit created and to emulate a button push sent from the shift register.

  • douglas77 (edited 8 years ago)

    My mega-project is a generic driver for VFDs.

    The ATmega I use is

    * driving a boost-converter to generate 30V * generating the AC for the filament * driving 4 8-bit-shift-registers that in turn address 4 8-bit-CMOS-drivers (powered by the 30V)

    The AC-part is still a little bit ugly (using TIP41/TIP42 transistors instead of MOSFETs), but I can already display things!