  • SakuraPanko

    I have an obsession with Japan's idol culture and I'm so far deep into the Love Live franchise. I was more ecstatic about the movie coming West than I was for Madoka Rebellion (which was a LOT of hype for me). I have my ticket ordered already and everything!

    • Tadaima

      I like cute girls doing cute things in general, but I haven't really tried many idol shows (the two I watched both seemed like non typical ones: Wake Up Girls! and Locodol). Next time I get the itch for a cute show I'll try Love Live.

      • SakuraPanko

        Love Live is currently the current anime juggernaut in Japan right now. I think a lot of it's appeal comes from how much it cares about its characters as well as how even in the obligatory beach episode, the girls never feel objectified. Season 2 is even better than season 1 because there's no need to focus on getting the band together.