  • Delror

    K-On: I just can't begin to describe the connection I felt to these 5 high school girls who just sit around and eat cakes and occasionally play music. It makes no sense why I feel so strongly about it, but I love it.

    Monogatari series: I don't really like to divide it up into the seasons, so I just call the series as a whole one thing. Again, connection to characters, and I absolutely adore the art style and the just out-there nature of the show.

    Kill La Kill: This was one of the first anime I watched after really getting into anime about two years ago, and I thought it was amazing. The action was great, again the characters are amazing, and I just loved everything that Trigger did or tried to do.

    Sakurasou: I know a lot of people tend to have strong opinions on this one, with a lot of people finding Sorata whiny and obnoxious. I felt, personally, that he was real, and seemed like what a teenage boy in his position would be like. He got jealous of the people closest to him who did nothing wrong, and I felt like that's just really true to what would happen in real life.

    One Piece: I'm not even actually done with One Piece yet, I'm just starting the Amazon Lily arc, but I'll be damned if it isn't one of the best things ever. It gets me hype, makes me sad, and just plays with my emotions constantly. It's damn near perfect.

    • Guilhem

      Few suggestions :

      K-ON was cute and all but I found Hibike is better on the music side and less boring over all.

      If you like KLK, you are gonna love Gurren Laggan. Same over the top spirit.

      Monogatari is fucking great and I have not found better of the same kind. If you know something please share :)

      As for One Piece, I would recommend FMA brotherhood. It a fairly popular choice but it's not overrated.