  • nauthas

    Alton towers! Now I don't live in England I'll probably never go back, but it had everything. There's been a recent controversy over the Smiler, since it broke down, ignoring that the place is great. Nemesis was one of my first inverted rides I ever went on, and my love of roller-coasters comes directly from it. I went multiple times at the delay of the smiler, as they kept giving us free tickets to come back the next day. The Smiler was amazing. The park also has great scenery, having a castle in the middle and a relatively large gardens.

    • fanficmistress

      I saw the recent controversy (actually have a snap about it below). I have never been but now I probably won't get to ride Smiler as it sounds like they are going to dismantle it because of this.

      • nauthas

        I left a comment on that in the other post, quoted here

        Gerstlauer messed up big time. That said, I doubt they will dismantle the ride, simply because the ride represents more then just "a rollercoaster" it is John Wardly's last ride at Alton Towers, the place which really put him on the map with the Like's of Nemesis, Th13TEEN, Duel and Oblivion. Even though it isn't his last ride (I believe Flug Der Damonen at Heide park is) surely it must hold enough sentimental value to try with all its might to fix it. But I suppose Alton towers is a business and as such will look at whether they can afford it first. I'm withholding judgement one whome's to blame at the moment, whether staff or Alton Towers themselves, but it is definitely unfortunate for everyone.

        • fanficmistress

          What I read were just rumors but it is hard for a ride to come back from. We shall see what prevails.

          • nauthas

            Maybe. At the end of the day, the rides going to get bad press now, if I know Alton Towers though, they may send it over to a different country and give it a rename and repaint. A bit of money in the pocket after all?

            • fanficmistress

              Amusement parks love to do that. Six flags especially.