• spaceghoti

    They don't even appeal to healthy body sizes, but focus primarily on body sizes that are too thin.

    Besides, what should people with unhealthy body sizes do, go naked while they try to lose weight?

    • Mtat

      Having lived in US for three years I can say that the stores in US sells sizes that are primarily for overweight people, including regular mainstream stores. A regular type of underwear for me in Europe is usually XL, wheras in the US it is L or M even. Almost every piece of clothing sold in the US is relabled into a smaller size because americans are generally fat (really, get over it).

    • NinjaKlaus

      I don't like ultra thin women they use|cater to either, but No, I'm not saying they should wear nothing, the way I read it is they are offering the sizes, Penny's(16%) and Nordstrom(8%) both carry stuff just not a lot of it. That means the market is tiny in what you can wear, not that it doesn't exist at all. We are now talking about why won't companies make these sizes, because they don't have to, they want to make clothes the way they want, it leaves the market open for a no-name or lower name designer to enter that is willing to fill that market, some of the problem seems to be that nobody is making name brand clothing in the sizes and styles they want. I know men have it better in this department but just like big larger guys, sometimes the internet is going to be your option, most Targets don't carry shirts larger than XXL in store, Sams Club just started carrying XXXL, mens pants usually top out around 36-40 in store, Walmart in my area also is a 3x|40 place, but I've known people that claim theirs carry larger sizes... so the option is either a big & tall store or to go to Amazon or some other internet retailer. The other option is to get healthier so you can buy those clothes you really like but don't come in your size.