• Medicine (edited 8 years ago)

    I think the reason the religious folks are so against secular ideas is much simpler than what this guy is proposing. The whole schtick with religion is that you are giving up "temporary instant satisfaction" in order to gain eventual eternal reward. They know (subconsciously or consciously) that if given a choice between "God's way" and the "world's way" that 99% of the time people will choose the side without God. This is why they are so against people even being able to have a choice when it comes to "ungodly" things

    • racerxonclar

      It's also because they feel responsible for other people's spiritual well-being, because you're supposed to "save" them, "spread the word", etc. So they take that as deity ordained permission to control your life, instead of focusing on themselves and just being a pleasant person to be around.

    • spaceghoti

      There's always C: all of the above.