
    "White Supremacy" has always been a feature/creature of the Democrat party, not Republican.

    • spaceghoti

      In the 50s, yes. But that hasn't been true since Nixon and his Southern Strategy. The White Supremacists abandoned the Democratic Party when the Republicans offered them a new home. Strom Thurmond switched parties in the 80s because of it. They've been there ever since.

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

        Nope, only a few switched, don't omit the Civil Rights Act filibuster, or the endorsement of the "Stars and Bars" by President Clinton. Oh, and Sen. Byrd. LOL........The Dem's revisionist history doesn't fly..Even today, the largest institutionalized race discriminatory practices are by local labor and trade unions.

        • spaceghoti

          Even today, the largest institutionalized race discriminatory practices are by local labor and trade unions.

          Ah, my mistake. I didn't realize we were having a religious debate. Nevermind.

          • MAGISTERLUDI

            Labor and trade unions, religious? Yes the mistake is/was yours. LOL