• shiranaihito (edited 8 years ago)
    @spaceghoti -

    The "free market" is, in fact, a policy position.

    It's not, and especially not because I didn't even bring it up before you made your claim about the "policies" I endorse. You're being (intellectually) dishonest again.

    Also, a policy is based on "regulations", which are laws, which are commands that you're punished for disobeying.

    In other words, a policy is based on coercion, and a free market requires an absence of that.

    I have furthermore presented evidence that carefully managed economies [..] not only create better results for everyone but they create more freedom for everyone involved.

    "Managing" an economy involves coercion, because without it, people would just do whatever they wanted. So basically you're saying that intervening in people's freedoms "creates more freedom". Black is white. Up is down.

    But I'll just stop here because I think you're a psychopath and just playing games with me.

  • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

    [This comment was removed]

    • shiranaihito
      @ -

      So because you can't debate me in your own words, you resort to linking to some propaganda bullshit?