• MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

    Label it what you will, "White Supremacy's" roots always were and still are borne by the Democrat Party.................................."A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," .........."the only reason you are endorsing him is because he's black. Let's just be clear."

    • Jupiter7

      What? Explain please - don't just make a vague statement and call it good.

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

        I really don't have the time or inclination to explain to you all events since reconstruction re: KKK, Jim Crow , filibuster of Civil Rights Act, among so many others. You'll have to read some actual history. I did add quotes from President Clinton to my initial comment that displays modern Dem leadership thought..........................."don't just make a vague statement and call it good"............Nothing"vague" about it. Very straightforward and concise.

        • Jupiter7

          You made the claim. I don't understand how one quote proves your point. Yes democrats have done and said shitty things like that, but you claim white supremacy's roots were and still are borne by the democrat party. A quote from Clinton and mentioning a couple of things don't really back that up, and yes, its a vague, unsupported statement.

          • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

            If you care to refute, do so, otherwise your wasting time and keystrokes.

    • AdelleChattre

      Out of idle curiosity, for whom did you first vote for president?


        None of your business, McGovern and Nixon were the candidates.

        • AdelleChattre

          Hadn't meant to pry. Often when you see someone fixated on the evils of a particular party, if you sift through that far enough it turns out they were idealistic supporters early on that then became disillusioned, even bitter. Since you so often point to the racism and corruption of the Democrats, I wouldn’t’ve been surprised to find out you were at one time a big Bobby Kennedy supporter. Or that, however preoccupied you may seem to me by the Democrats and the president, that maybe some of that comes from outrage and a very personal sense of betrayal. If not personal, then of that early idealism. Even the staunch climate change denial might make more sense if it were coming from someone who'd once been sore concerned about The Population Bomb , The Limits To Growth, and Silent Spring.