9 years ago
Watch what happens when regular people try to use handguns in self-defense
A new study from researchers at Mount St. Mary's University sheds some light on why people don't use guns in self-defense very often. As it turns out, knowing when and how to apply lethal force in a potentially life-or-death situation is really difficult.
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Firearms Training & Self-Defense
Does the Quality and Frequency of Training Determine the Realistic Use of Firearms by Citizens for Self-Defense?
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I mean I get the point these training videos are trying to make and everything, the simulations do show that untrained civilians are ineffective when it comes to proper use of handguns, but isn't one of the biggest aspects of being armed the deterrent factor?
The claim is that if the victims were armed then mass shootings would be less frequent or less deadly to bystanders. This is a commonly repeated claim. And even if it wouldn't work it could and therefore gun control is bad.
So this study directly addresses the claim that civilians with guns would be effective at stopping gun violence, even though we've known for a while that they wouldn't. In fact, they sometimes have the opposite effect.
Got it. Thanks for the links.
I should guess that the Uber driver in Chicago, and the very recent shooting in Cincinnati are not representative of lives saved?