• Tawsix

    How many kids are killed or disabled from accidental scalding every year?

    Children specifically? I don't know, I couldn't find the numbers for it. This says 100/year all age groups.

    Likewise there are awareness campaigns to make people aware of the dangers of guns, typically shouted down by guns rights activists lead by the NRA

    The NRA is very active in gun-safety programs and proper gun-handling, especially with children. I don't know of a single firearm group that doesn't: it's a huge point in the gun community to emphasize safety above all other things.

    How many accidental gun deaths were there in Canada? The United Kingdom? Australia?

    I have no idea, would you mind linking me a source? Then take a look at this, it might have something to do with those numbers.

    Gun rights is a hot topic, I agree. I don't think our culture would accept a ban, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest tighter regulations.

    Your source contradicts that statement.

    Too many people are getting their hands on guns who shouldn't have them, from the mentally and emotionally disturbed to children who are too young or impulsive to know better.

    How many is "too many"? Any more than 0? My point is that the rates at which that is happening is, at least in my opinion, not enough to justify gun restriction.

    I think efforts to reduce the number of guns in circulation is a good thing

    I disagree.

    and anyone who needs to buy a gun right away is better off going to the police for assistance.

    Well this is certainly true. Much better to get the gun before you need it.