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Published 9 years ago by spaceghoti with 4 Comments

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  • jenjen1352

    Hail Mary Mother of God... it still won't make any difference, but it entertained me who knoweth not a lot about the Bible.

  • kdawson

    I think Christians are cowards who are afraid of taking responsiblity for themselves without the backing of their big cosmic buddy, but I must also say that I've run into more than a few atheists who were elitist assholes. Works both ways folks.

    • spaceghoti

      Indeed, the author opens with that same observation:

      Now, I’ll be the first to say that sometimes Atheists are insulting towards Christians. In fact, there was this one time when myself and another atheist was arguing against this Christian, and the atheist said something so cruel, so outrageous, so outlandish, so personally insulting and cruel, that I publicly backpedaled and had to distance myself from that comment. It was the most offensive way she could have insulted the Christian. Now, as someone who has been through thousands of internet debates in his ten years of religious debates on the Internet, I’ve heard a lot of insults. I’ve been called just about every name in the book, and I’ve heard the side I’m arguing against get called just about every name in the book. And yet, in the middle of ALL THAT, THIS insult really took the cake. It was terrible. Horrific.

      • kdawson

        Don't get me wrong, I agree with this. In fact, as I understand it those innocent of the word of God cannot be condemned to Hell, but as soon as a missionary tells them about it they are in risk of the eternal fire. If you believe in this stuff, telling someone about God is absolutely the most terrible thing you can do to a fellow human being. I guess I'm what you'd call a hard agnostic in that I just don't think that man is evolved enough to recognize a higher power even if there is one.

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