• spaceghoti

    On reddit I'm currently deconstructing the privilege that one Christian doesn't think exists. He's trying really hard to make the case that Christianity is under attack in the US and that the First Amendment doesn't intend a "wall of separation" between church and state.

    • redalastor

      Like the rest, the status of Christianity as a persecuted religion is an unsubstantiated point of faith.

      • spaceghoti

        A lot of public opinions are faith based, frequently cherry-picked from partisan sources that are less interested in informing the public than influencing us. Gone are the days when journalism actually meant reporting the news and analyzing it, now it's primarily stenography about who said what to whom. So when we do actually have evidence-based conclusions it's dismissed as mere propaganda.

        Joseph Goebbels would be so proud.

    • jmcs

      You are probably in the only western country were your answer to the question "How was your weekend" in a job interview can make you lose the job. While we also have our fair share of religious nutjobs in Europe the audacity, number and influence of their American counterparts makes them invisible in comparison.

      • spaceghoti

        I'm amused that simply having the audacity to point out that Christian privilege still exists in the US provoked a downvote here. ;)