• feloniousjones (edited 9 years ago)

    Nope, don't pity them. They like giving their money away.

    Low education is one thing. Being poor sucks. But why should I worry about people who are poor and make bad decisions.

    A bird in the had is worth two in the bush. If you are poor, probably stop giving other people your money.

    • spaceghoti

      Low education is one thing. Being poor sucks. But why should I worry about people who are poor and make bad decisions.

      Because you have empathy? Unless you don't.

      People who are desperate aren't responsible for others taking advantage of their desperation. "Necessitous men are not free men."

    • staxofmax

      It's easy to pass judgement when you have the benefit of distance and hindsight. It's difficult to see with clarity when you're in a desperate and fearful situation. I hope if there comes a time you find yourself in such a state you find more empathetic voices than your own.