• Xenolan

    The article rather brushes over the fact that people and indeed complex societies were found living around the world who had never heard of Jesus Christ and seemed to be just fine for it. The discovery of the vast and advanced civilization in China was quite a serious blow to the Church. There was no way the people of China could be dismissed as savages* - they were clearly a knowledgeable, literate, technologically advanced, and civilized people. How was it possible that such people could exist without YHWH and Jesus to guide them?

    Well, the Church not only got past that little theological problem, they found a way to turn it to their advantage by sending out missionaries to Spread the Word of God. It actually gave them a "greater" purpose. If they could handle that, I tend to think they'll be able to find a way to deal with extraterrestrial beings. Faith is hard to shake.

    * In no way do I wish to imply that the native Americans or other aboriginal cultures were "savages". But, since they did have lesser technological development in many ways than did the Europeans or the Chinese, one can see how a short-sighted person could dismiss them as such, and how biased reports of these cultures brought back to Europe would have made others see them that way.