• spaceghoti

    That's one reason why I'm so happy that Bernie is doing so well early on, because he's highlighting the fact that not only can he run as an unapologetic socialist but it gives him the opportunity to educate people about what socialism really is and how people have favored it all along even while rejecting the label. Even if he doesn't win the election this is an opportunity to rehabilitate the concept in the public domain, much like the word "liberal" is no longer a label to be ashamed of in American politics.

    • Rothulfossil

      If he wins (and I hope to God he does, because I'm pouring my soul into his campaign) it's going to have massive implications on the world of the media. Major news networks and their pundits will realize they don't have near the power they used to. They'll either have to come to terms with the fact that they're just not as effective at brainwashing people and will have to make a shift toward better, more honest journalism, or they'll try harder than ever to spin the truth.

      The internet has matured greatly over the last decade. Now that people can connect on a personal level and educate themselves relatively easily, they're starting to rely, like in the good ol' days, on each other for information and culture. Sites like reddit and Facebook and Twitter and Snapzu all let us cut the cord from the establishment media. We're going to have to keep a close eye on social media now, though, as that's going to become the establishment.

    • Teska

      I too am excited to see him running. Unfortunately, I still see so much from even my generation (30y/o's) on my FB feed where they are just regurgitating older generations sentiments. ie: You can take gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands, or Obama destroyed the country for something that really happened in another administration. No one wants to actually look for truth, they're just willing to take whatever is said at face value and not question it. I'm worried that all is needed is someone to blast Sanders on social media with something about him being a communist sympathizer for a good portion of my generation to fall in line and start posting incorrect information regarding him.