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  • Appaloosa
    @ -

    You are certainly a dichotomy

    • AdelleChattre
      @ -

      as to jimmy, at least he's likely not to be seen as the worst president in history after obama

      The saddest thing has to be how vicious you think you’re being. You’re clearly convinced you’re so clever in this comment. Meanwhile, the impression given to the outside observer isn’t flattering. For one thing, you’ve never picked up on a Karl Rove tactic known as ‘Rovian projection.’ Say your man, Dubya, stumbles through his administration leaving section headings in history like 9/11, the Iraq War, warrantless wiretapping, black site torture network, indefinite detention without trial, ‘signature’ drone strikes, Katrina, and the Great Crash of 2008. Having been easily the worst administration in American history, goes Turd Blossom’s theory, you accuse anyone and everyone else of being the worst in history. So jackasses like you will parrot that right out like you really, really wanna cracker.

      of course people will still know he only got in to politics to oppose busing and use to hang out with george walace

      Strange that a proud racist like you would try to shame Carter this way. You know, by lying about it. Carter, who’d been an integrationist before he even entered a school board let alone politics, would later co-sponsor a resolution at a governor’s conference with George Wallace, but you tell it your way. There’s something about the crossburning in your eyes when you talk about it that suits you.

      Or that he presided over the missiey index in the 1970's (created during his term)

      The misery index is, to your surprise I’m sure, an economics term from that dates to the Sixties. Not, as you would have us believe, a ‘missy‘ index. Do you make this crap up as you go or do you copy out of somewhere?

      took to the world stage and made a laughing stock out of him self and the country

      By now, you can see the projection going on here, right?

      “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

      tried to build a few houses and it wasn't his fault that they were not up to code and in some cases unsafe

      Yes, try to attack President Carter for his work, making housing affordable, with Habitat for Humanity. See how that goes.

      His heart was in the right place, his head may have been a little lower tho

      Or make things up as you go along, sure. None of these facts check out, so why not? You’re only stroking your own ego, anyway. You’re sure not doing this for our benefit.