• spaceghoti

    She's providing service to some of the richest and most powerful people on the planet, people who are more likely to hold her professionalism to higher standards than your regular customer service position, but she's still paid less than a living wage. The fact that she serves Senators isn't meant to be an appeal for exceptional treatment, it simply highlights the inequality rampant in our nation. Everyone deserves at least a living wage to provide for themselves and their families, but we lack the political will to create the change necessary and people are suffering because of it.

    So either we need to toughen our regulation of private business practices or we need to divorce our wages from our access to necessities like food, clothing, shelter and medicine.

    • staxofmax (edited 8 years ago)

      Maybe my problem is this article wasn't written for me. I read it and I think: Of course a contract worker is going to make as little as a company can get away with paying them! All the company cares about is their earnings and the workers replacement cost! Why would they care one iota about an employees life situation if said situation has no bearing on their job performance?

      Then again some would label me a cynic of the highest order, who at the same time believes adamantly that everyone is entitled to a minimum standard of living much higher than that afforded by the current minimum wage. And this minimum standard should be entirely independent of ones skill sets, life circumstances, or adherence to traditional "Christian" values.