9 years ago
How Bees Teach Us the Most Scientifically Efficient Way to Pack Things
Excerpted from Single Digits: In Praise of Small Numbers by Marc Chamberland. Out now from Princeton University Press. What do grocers and honeybees have in common? The obvious answer is that they are both adept at providing food for others. But there is a richer, more technical answer to this question: These two groups know how to efficiently pack their resources.
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Single Digits: In Praise of Small Numbers
In Single Digits, Marc Chamberland takes readers on a fascinating exploration of small numbers, from one to nine, looking at their history, applications, and connections to various areas of mathematics, including number theory, geometry, chaos theory, numerical analysis, and mathematical physics.
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A good read and we better pay attention to the bee pollination procedures since we are destroying them.
I had that same thought. My daughter (11) was asking me about Bee's and cell phones this weekend. It's actually quite fascinating the lack of information that is available as to how we are destroying them vs. how many ways we are destroying them.
I could not agree more.