• Teska (edited 9 years ago)

    I saw a comment by Xeno where they're not only opposed to same-sex relationships in general, but that marriage is no longer a burden to bear, no longer the "ball and chain" of old, and instead of being centered on love, compassion, understanding, and ideals that never fully surrounded "traditional" marriage. I can see where that would completely shake up some people's beliefs and even their emotional lives. But this should be seen as a positive thing, not a negative.

    Spaceghoti found the comment I am referencing. - http://snapzu.com/spaceghoti/more-conservativ...e-isnt-supposed-to-be-about-love-or-happiness

    • a7h13f

      That's a very interesting train of thought, and I think we can see it elsewhere, specifically relating to Millennials. This article in Forbes discusses how Millennials redefine work, how we aren't satisfied with 9-5 Corporate jobs. Often, that mentality is misunderstood by outsiders as laziness or shirking some burden, but I see it as people finding better ways to live.

      Maybe opposition to same sex marriage is rooted in this unyielding opposition to change and progress. Time marches on.

      • Teska (edited 9 years ago)

        See, I should've just looked you up. Thanks for the link. =) I'll edit above to credit Xeno for the thought/opinion.

    • Xeno

      I'm not sure if there is a credit misunderstanding here. Spaceghoti posted the article, I posted a comment on it. Still glad you remember seeing me around though. :)