• stareyedgirl

    I think we have to be careful not to vilify all gun owners and people who like guns themselves. There's a difference between being a gun enthusiast who really enjoys collecting and learning about them and someone who genuinely wants to shoot someone.

    Literally every gun owner I know is a responsible normal adult human who has gone their whole life never pointing any of their guns at another human nor do they fantasize about doing so. If you have friends that fantasize about killing 'an intruder' with their gun, you might look into getting new friends who aren't douche nozzles, because that person sounds like a dick.

    Most of the gun owners I know grew up having guns as protection against wildlife like cougars, bobcats, and wolves (I grew up in the boondocks), and it's not something that they would ever think of using against another person.

    • hallucigenia

      If you have friends that fantasize about killing 'an intruder' with their gun, you might look into getting new friends who aren't douche nozzles, because that person sounds like a dick.

      These aren't friends. These are people online. On the Internet, people tend to let down their guard and tell you what they really think. So if you or I knew a gun owner like that personally, we probably wouldn't know, unless we were very close to that person.

      • NerfYoda

        These are people online.

        Or they're scared WASPy folks in conservative neighborhoods. I lived in a suburb in Texas for a bit and once went to a local neighborhood crime watch meeting, mostly to get to know my neighbors. All I learned was they're all itching and willing to shoot a man they think is sneaking around dressed like the cable guy.