• wolfeater

    I have been increasingly concerned with the discussion surrounding guns I have heard recently.

    I hear constantly that guns in the hands of everyone is the only way to keep people safe. I not only don't buy this, but also do not want to see this country further dive into the culture of fear, mistrust, and hate that constant universal weapon carry would cause around the country. I know some people enjoy guns, even though I do not, and I want them to have the right to use them for hunting, safe recreation, and other limited purposes.

    However, I do not think guns are the solution to our problems of violence. I would the shooting in the theater in Colorado as an example, which occurred 15 minutes from me. Imagine several audience members HAD been armed when the shooting occurred. During this time there was also smoke, the shooter was in body armor, and there was generally mass confusion and poor eyesight. If, instead of police showing up within seconds to stop this guy, someone inspired by batman had decided to try to be a lone ranger, I can only imagine more people would have gotten hurt.

    Everyone armed with guns without the proper training of military or police will only lead to more accidents, more fear, more distrust, and just an environment that I don't want to live in. As a young person who still remembers their time in high school, I couldn't possibly imagine a worse place to have firearms than a school, which is what some people propose. We are the only developed nation that has this much gun violence, and gun control may not be the answer to all of it, but we need to have a serious look at all our options because the way things are right now is unacceptable, and creates a terrifying culture for a lot of people living here.

    I want to be able to go to the movie theater, to a school, to a grocery store or just generally live my life without feeling like I need to have a gun ready to kill someone at any point. It is the 21st century in one of the most prosperous nations on Earth, I shouldn't have to strap on kevlar and a gun to feel safe living my life.

    • BAPE

      Exactly. The idea of MAD (mutual assured destruction) only works if there isn't someone crazy enough to start shooting. If we can begin reducing the amounts of weapons in the hands of the public (that are deemed overly dangerous) the better.