• Appaloosa (edited 7 years ago)

    And one of those religions would be brain numbing, Pavlovian consumerism.

    • sashinator

      I think consumerism is adaptable to the prospect of educated, informed consumers. From the business perspective it's just a matter of pivoting the product offering, changing the marketing etc. for example Elon Musk's enterprises, organic foods, health clubs, sustainable foods, green jobs and so on and so forth. It's not virtuous to the nth degree but you get the picture. Meaningful progress can be made even with compromises.

      Religious religion is fundamentally at odds with critical thinking because the product is obedient faith. Without blind faith of masses, there is no product. You cannot pivot on that without rampant ignorance and fear. There are no concessions that can be made that would not unravel the very fabric of institutionalized religion (like in Northern Europe e.g. Holland)