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Published 8 years ago by spaceghoti with 7 Comments

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  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

    We do know that the CNN ORC poll was skewed 58% Clinton supporters before the debate and resulted with 57% Clinton after. No margin of error here. Singular/same sample group, before and after. So Trump won over 1% of stated Clinton supporters. You make the call.

    As to the others I don't know nor do I care.

    I watched and formed my opinion without the "benefit" of any the trailing "talking heads" telling me what I did or did not witness.

    • spaceghoti

      You are, as always, entitled to your own opinions. No one cares to dispute that you feel Donald Trump won the second debate. You are, however, not entitled to your own facts. The article outlines how they established Donald Trump was lying about winning all the polls.


        To which "fact" in my initial comment am I not entitled to?

        • spaceghoti

          So you are not, in fact, arguing that Donald Trump did not lie about winning all the polls?

          • MAGISTERLUDI

            I am representing precisely what I stated. If you wish to take issue with any of what was stated please do so.

            To which "fact" in my initial comment am I not entitled to?

            • spaceghoti

              Apparently I read more into your initial complaint than was actually there. Mea culpa, I was wrong. I'll also confess to being confused about what you're actually complaining about other than disagreeing with the scientific polls referenced in the article. I'm not sure what point is to be made with arguing against something backed by facts. You liked his performance against Hillary, but beyond that?

            • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)
              @spaceghoti -

              This is always your tack, thus you are always wrong.

              You don't like me or my opinions thus you manufacture and attribute points with which to disagree.

              My comment is/was concise and to the point, learn to read what's written.

              once again:To which "fact" in my initial comment am I not entitled to?

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