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Published 7 years ago by spaceghoti with 5 Comments

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  • AdelleChattre

    Is this news? The church's been preying on its abuse victims for ages. Maybe less time praying and more thinking would help. Easier said than done. Remember when the church was too busy pretending to be broke to pay their victims? Come to think of it, they still are. I sometimes think the church will never change.

    • Gozzin

      Idon't think they will ever change.

  • leweb

    So when do they have a day of prayer for the victims of the Catholic Church? i guess it would have to be much more than a day.

    it never ceases to surprise me that we still have so many people seriously following ideas made up by desert nomads thousands of years ago. In any area other than religion, if I asked you to do things the way they were done in 0 AD, you'd laugh or ask me what the last mushroom I ate looked like. But in the realm of religion, it seems that any idea is taken seriously. How does the Catholic Church have any moral authority to say anything about victims of sex abuse, or any other kind of abuse? We're not just talking about an institution who has repeatedly supported child sexual abuse by their own clergy, but who has come up with some of the most exquisite methods of torture ever devised by man, and used them liberally to "help save the souls of the perverted and sinful".

    • Appaloosa

      Mushrooms are the food of the devil. You are going to hell.

    • Gozzin

      So true..And if they prey,that means they don't have to do anything meaningful or useful at all.

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