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9 years agoLevel Up snapchopsuey
Level 8
snapchopsuey is now level 8 with 31,050 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement snapchopsuey
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 15/15 times! Congratulations snapchopsuey on this achievement!
+5550 XP -
9 years agoLevel Up snapchopsuey
Level 7
snapchopsuey is now level 7 with 22,700 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement snapchopsuey
Busy Bee
Maintained a 7 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations snapchopsuey on this achievement!
+3175 XP -
9 years agoUnspecified snapchopsuey
Spanish town gives pets same rights as owners
The town council in Trigueros del Valle, a municipality of about 330 people in the Castile and León region, voted unanimously to define dogs and cats as “non-human residents”, giving them rights similar to men and women.
9 years agoLevel Up snapchopsuey
Level 6
snapchopsuey is now level 6 with 16,215 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement snapchopsuey
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations snapchopsuey on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
9 years agoComment snapchopsuey
When my physical recovery following the day after vigorous physical activity started bouncing back less and less. Used to be able to do whatever on any given day, and strenuous activities many days in a row, but now I have to schedule it and space it out to prevent feeling like I'm on a death march 'the day after'.
That, and I also noticed it when my overall energy level headed south. The energy level I had in my early 20s at 1am (after partying for hours) is on par with where I'm at now in the mornings after breakfast and before actually doing anything... and over the course of the day it's all downhill from there. That high daily energy is what I miss the most.
Posted in: When did you notice you were aging?
9 years ago
Two solutions come to mind, but I hesitate to offer them as solutions because one is too horrible to be seriously considered, and the other too uncomfortable to consider... but the two most direct solutions are to either:
1. Reduce the number of people, and fairly rapidly. There are just far too many people in the system right now. Skilled, unskilled, in almost every field, in-country, international, too many college grads every year diluting the individual value of the degrees, too many job-seekers spamming up the hiring process, too many oldsters who can't afford to retire who are in turn blocking upward advancement of middle-agers, too many downwardly mobile middle-agers taking jobs that fresh college grads used to be able to reliably obtain, too many desperate college grads taking jobs that teenagers used to be able to reliably obtain, etc. As terrible as a repeat of the 1918 flu pandemic would be (fatalities adjusted to account for greater population in the present), the Black Death of the 14th century offers an example of the positive effect on the labor market that can come from a devastating plague. I don't know if anyone has done the calculation, but it would be... interesting to find out just how many people would need to die to make for a "healthy" 21st century economy according to the parameters our economy operates within.
2. Identify the technologies that weaken the labor market, and go to war with them. Ban them, put embargoes upon countries that haven't banned them, lengthy jail sentences for any and all who possess, use, or distribute such technologies (using the Drug War template, more or less), etc. Of course, this would mean the end of the internet, for starters. Historically, weakened labor has turned to a luddite POV (centuries ago in its namesake example, and more recently there have been minor stirrings in India along these lines), so I wouldn't be surprised to see this come up in the West sometime soon.
There is a sane path as well that offers a third option, exotic and unfamiliar as it may seem:
3. Not everywhere in the developed world is doing as badly as the US when it comes to wages and employment participation rates (IIRC Scandinavia is doing well), so some kind of reform program to adopt policies and standards from places that are doing better would be another way to go as well. (Now if only there was a Presidential candidate advocating doing exactly that...).
Of course, it is easier to destroy than to reform, built-upon, or create, so if/when a solution comes about (whether deliberately or more likely through inevitability, IMO a lot of #1 and a little of #2 will be how it goes. Hope it's #3 though.
show morePosted in: Why Wages Won't Rise
9 years agoComment snapchopsuey
What about people who are beyond their credit limit? Would that in effect block all of their ads?
Can't help but wonder what the personalized internet advertising landscape will look like once this tool is ubiquitous, and once the lines of privacy are blurred further than at present (specifically when this particular bit of credit information is up for sale to any and all internet marketers, if it isn't already) .
9 years agoAchievement snapchopsuey
Rock Star
Followed by 2/2 members! Congratulations snapchopsuey on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
9 years agoComment snapchopsuey
That my phone, keys, handkerchief and wallet are in my pockets. (It's a clockwise four pocket check, starting with my left front pocket).
9 years agoComment snapchopsuey
A shaman who is a faith healer/ medicine man who also uses art therapy, talk therapy, yoga, communing with nature, and perhaps massage therapy. Basically I'd have wounded people ('wounded' in every possible sense) practice art therapy in a way that integrates that with 'healing' medicine (whatever is necessary for the individual), alongside talk therapy as the basis of healing. Yoga and communing with nature (perhaps hiking, drum circle around a campfire, whatever works for the individual) would help center the individual and lower stress, and massage therapy for individuals who have extreme levels of stress. All of this would be in a 'summer camp' or 'rehab' sort of setting.
If I'm not cut out for that, my backup dream career would be a handyman/woodworker/farmer working a 20 hour week in a village where the art therapy shaman career exists and is affordable for everyone.
show morePosted in: What is your dream career?
9 years agoAchievement snapchopsuey
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations snapchopsuey on this achievement!
+1320 XP -
9 years agoComment snapchopsuey
Taco Bell: the second of the two hardshell tacos in my order.
Posted in: What is the last item that you purchased?
9 years agoLevel Up snapchopsuey
Level 5
snapchopsuey is now level 5 with 10,280 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement snapchopsuey
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations snapchopsuey on this achievement!
+2640 XP -
9 years agoComment snapchopsuey
Also from the article:
And it’s not just zinc intake that’s likely to be affected, either. Research has shown that high carbon dioxide levels can affect iron and protein content in some plants as well, Myers says.
9 years agoUnspecified snapchopsuey
By 2050, millions more people will likely suffer a nutrient deficiency attributable to increased carbon emissions
Wheat and other crops are expected to have lower zinc content under higher atmospheric concentrations of CO2, leading to millions of nutrient deficiencies around the world.
9 years agoAnalysis snapchopsuey
NSFW Do You Live in a "Bitch" or a "Fuck" State? American Curses, Mapped
Jack Grieve, a professor in Forensic Linguistics at Aston University in England, has been tweeting out maps of the U.S. with geotagged data from Twitter that show where in the country we are using which swearwords.
9 years agoLevel Up snapchopsuey
Level 4
snapchopsuey is now level 4 with 6,630 XP.
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9 years agoAchievement snapchopsuey
Busy Bee
Maintained a 7 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations snapchopsuey on this achievement!
+1320 XP