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  • Analysis
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Web Design - The First 100 Years

    Designers! I am a San Francisco computer programmer, but I come in peace!

  • Current Event
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    FAP... is now a word in the OED

    I have now contributed to the modern English...

  • Analysis
    8 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Helicopter Parents and the Kids Who Just Can't

    Parents are afraid to let children fail, so children never learn resilience.

  • Analysis
    8 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Regulation? Great Idea. For Someone Else.

    An overtime expansion tells workers that bureaucrats know better.

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +1 1 0

    Go Metric: Temperature

    Welcome to the first in a series of posts on going metric in a country dominated by Imperial measurements. Thanks to technology we can incorporate the metric system into our daily lives in a way that has never before been possible. The easiest place to start in your daily life is by changing everything around you to Celsius.

    Using Celsius

    I've found that most products I buy- especially cheap products that get sold to lots of countries- can be changed from F to C, often at the flip of a switch. For example, every thermostat I've seen with a digital display can be changed, usually by flipping a switch on the back of the unit. I've rented a lot of cars over the years, and all of them had some way to change the dashboard display to Celsius. Your phone and computer can display Celsius as well, and most weather sites can be configured to show you Celsius.

    Once you've changed all your thermometers you'll find that you don't really understand what these new numbers mean. That's OK! Let yourself be OK with not understanding initially, because that will be a common theme on this journey. Your first few days you will do a lot of converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit so that you can get from the displayed number to a number you understand. This is OK at first, but I urge you to wean yourself off this habit as quickly as you can. Your goal is to internalize Celsius, and you can't do that if you always mentally convert to Fahrenheit first.

    If you need to figure out a temperature this rhyme can help you:

    Zero is freezing
    Ten is not
    Twenty is warm
    Thirty is hot!


    Using Celsius while cooking in the US can be a challenge. I have never had an oven that can display Celsius, I'm not sure such a thing exists here. Your average meat/candy thermometer can, however, so converting recipes to metric is pretty easy. You can use the following list to know what temperature to cook your meat to:

    • Chicken: 75
    • Rare Steak: 52
    • Medium Steak: 60
    • Well Steak: 68
    • Ground Beef: 71
    • Medium-Rare Pork: 62
    • Well Pork: 71
    • Ground Pork: 71


    Talking To Imperials

    Sometimes you'll need to talk to people who haven't gone metric. In these situations you'll run into social difficulties if you insist on using Celsius. These can be tricky situations to manage if you have to do this often, as getting good at converting temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit will hinder your adoption of the metric system. Instead of thinking primarily in Celsius and converting to Fahrenheit as needed, you'll never move beyond thinking in Fahrenheit.

    To help combat this problem, I recommend taking advantage of how casual conversations about temperature can be. For example, if someone asks you how hot it is outside and your phone says it's 25, you can tell the person it'll be the upper 70's. They'll be happy and you won't have to do an exact conversion. Simply use this handy list to know what to say:

    • 0-5: 30's
    • 5-10: 40's
    • 10-15: 50's
    • 15-20: 60's
    • 20-26: 70's
    • 26-32: 80's
    • 32-38: 90's
    • 39+: 100's


    It has never been easier to Go Metric in the US, and starting with temperature is an easy way to dip your toe in the water. Learning to internalize Celsius is easy, as long as you don't get caught in the "always convert" trap.

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  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +3 3 0

    [Bug] Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'Invalid compiled template for 'application/cache/frontpage/default/medium_3.tpl'

    I'm getting this on this page:

    Earlier and later pages seem to be fine, only page 3 gives me this error.

  • How-to
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Old Fashioned 101

    How to make an Old Fashioned right in four simple steps, with detailed explanations. And how NOT to make an Old Fashioned.

  • Unspecified
    8 years ago
    +1 1 0

    /t/personallymetric - For Americans who have gone metric

    A tribe for discussing anything and everything applicable to the 21st century American who wishes to join the rest of the world in using the metric system.

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +2 2 0

    Personally Metric: A Manifesto

    For most of history humanity has been measuring things. We've found that measuring is a very useful skill to have. So useful, in fact, that many ways to measure have sprung up around the world. This was fine when trade between each measurement system was limited, but in today's world we trade goods and services around the world. The need for a single measurement system is abundantly clear.

    There is no doubt that one measurement system has come to dominate the world: The Metric System.

    More than 99% of the world's population is familiar with and uses the metric system, for one purpose or another, on a daily basis. Of the 196 countries in the world, only 3- Liberia, Myanmar, and the United States of America- still use the Imperial System of measurement as their official system. Of those 3 countries only one- The United States of America- has no official metrication plan.

    As an American and a citizen of the world, this makes me sad. Our government will not help us join the rest of the world, so I will join the rest of the world without them. There are some concrete actions I have already taken:

    • Switch the units in my OS to metric
    • Change the units in my car to metric
    • Change my phone to metric
    • Purchase rulers, tape measures, and other tools that have metric markings

    I have spent most of the last decade trying to shun imperial units. I hope through this tribe I inspire others to do the same.

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