• leweb

    Ha! I saw the title and the first thing that came to mind was “rm -rf /“. Some of the others are clever though.

    • ohtwenty

      I think most of them are kinda cute, like you could figure out what they were for and why you shouldn't execute them (like the /dev/zero stuff), but I think the best point is the bash scripts. So many people either just grab them from the webs, or just post them without a fair warning. otoh I get it because it's so much easier than figuring it out by yourself, or writing it yourself (besides, if you easily could do that, why would you be looking online for help?)

      • leweb

        I like writing bash scripts though.

        • ohtwenty

          And I have no experience with them! I use linux for personal use, I like the way you can tweak things, and the philosophy behind it, plus the fact you own your own device. So I have next to no programming experience, besides adjusting some veeeery basic scripts and like half a followed course on python. So you're exactly the type of person the type of person like me would be tempted to copy-paste bash scripts from ^^