Post Overview
9 years ago+16 16 0Google Self Driving Cars now being tested on the roads of Austin
Google Self Driving Cars now being tested on the roads of Austin for the first time outside of California, since the project started in 2009.
Current Event
9 years ago+11 11 0Google launches wired Ethernet adapter for Chromecast, promptly sells out
Chromecast is single-handedly responsible for spawning the HDMI media stick category. From the price point down to its core functionality, Google got nearly everything right with Chromecast. That said, it’s still not a perfect solution for all situat ...
9 years ago+1 1 0What Facebook's Expansion Means for East Palo Alto
When Menlo Park city leaders wanted to add services for residents in their Belle Haven neighborhood, Facebook pitched in to fund a community center. It’s
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9 years ago+2 2 0Minimal kiwi tattoo - Devon Smith of Agency Inc. Dunedin, NZ
Text Post
9 years ago+10 10 0[QUESTION] Am I missing something? Is there a way to search within tribes, not search for tribes themselves?
9 years ago+1 1 010 Iconic Fonts and Why You Should Never Use Them
We've got a lot to thank Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and the computing world's other leaders for. They're responsible for some of the greatest leaps forward in co
9 years agoDownload+1 1 0100 best Typefaces of all times
9 years ago+2 2 010 Professional-Looking and High Quality Fonts for Web Designers
The importance of fonts to designers has always been emphasized. Many design blogs also agree that, as designers, choosing high quality fonts should be like choosing your clothes. People will think of you differently if you sport the wrong one. That ...
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9 years ago+2 2 0[Possible Bug] Unpublishing
Not sure if this is a bug, or possibly just something that may not be necessary, but XP is earned by un-publishing and re-publishing snaps. That would seem like a very enticing option for people wanting to farm XP, and may not be necessary as a form of XP gain?
Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0I'm too tired for math right now, perhaps someone could help me.
Alright, so as you increase in level so the XP you earn from activities increases. I am aware that there is a formula for the XP, and I know what it is, but I'm way too tired to use my brain right now. So my question is: Does the XP gained from activities rise relative to your level. Eg. Level 11 takes 20000 XP to level up. Level 12 takes 25000. Does the XP increase rise to a point where if you continue posting at a constant frequency you will level up in the same interval of time?
9 years ago+2 2 0Removing a ring with dental floss
This is brilliant, always been a favourite of mine!
9 years ago+2 3 1How to learn programming from scratch - Infographic
Infographic source: Full List of Free Programming Resources #1 - Python - Official site - Intro to Computer Science with Python h ...
9 years agoInteractive+1 1 0Scale of the universe - always blows my mind
9 years ago+2 2 0This keyboard.
Infinite possiblities at your fingertips
9 years ago+2 2 0Why are wombat droppings shaped like a cube?
The shape of wombat scat closely resembles dice. Learn why wombat scat has such a distinctive shape and what this means for other animals in the area.
9 years ago+2 2 0 x 1Where do astronauts sleep?
Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0Where should I post bugs?
I've found a couple over the last couple of days, just wondering where I should be submitting them seeing as the previous bug submission system has been removed?
Text Post
9 years ago+4 4 0Where can I find a list of the unlocks at every level?
Text Post
9 years ago+27 27 0What principles do you live by?
9 years ago0 1 1NSFW Tumblrina oversight