Viewing rizzardcore's Snapzine
What Pi sounds like.
Musician interprets Pi to 31 decimal places.
Posted in: by imokruok -
Video Game Cartoon Redux
Cartoons are my favorite thing next to video games, and it does not seem like all that long ago that the two had a strong mix; securing their place in the world in the late 80’s early 90’s television scene. I am often accused of leaning heavily on my nostalgia for certain things, but over the past few weeks I have been diving back into many of these old video game cartoons, and I see a lot of reasons why they worked so well in their time. They may not hold up for everyone...
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Metal Gear Solid and the Tuskegee Experiment
Welcome back to Gaming For Official Use Only. Since we just had Halloween week here at the Rebellion, I thought it would be fun to explore more horror related conspiracies. Now, I could have gone for any of the various conspiracies involving the supernatural, but I’d rather stay with something plausible. As I considered the myriad of conspiracies I could cover, it made me think of what actually makes things scary in horror fiction. This led me to the topic of “science gone wrong.”
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
The Mike Maverick Experience – RPG Games I own for the PS2
Showing off the RPGs I own for the PS2! I have plenty, but I will showcase a few.
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Silent Hill 4: The Room – Noob Hype Builder
Lumpz the Clown finally tackles Silent Hill 4 and gives us his analysis!
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Titanfall 50% off at Amazon ($10.00)
Prepare for Titanfall. Crafted by one of the co-creators of Call of Duty and other key developers behind the Call of Duty franchise, Titanfall is an all-new universe juxtaposing small vs. giant, natural vs. industrial and man vs. machine. The visionaries at Respawn have drawn inspiration from their proven experiences in first-person action and with Titanfall are focused on bringing something exciting the next generation of multiplayer gaming.
Grand Theft Auto 5: A New Perspective
It’s one of the new animals you’ll find around the great state of San Andreas, and I’ve killed it. And as its blackened corpse slowly rolls down the foothills of Vinewood, I feel a tinge of sadness. He deserved better than this, but I’ve got much bigger problems than my own latent psychotic tendencies.
Posted in: by tyronne -
In-car navigator that turns safe driving into a game - or better yet, a discount
What would it take for your car's navigation system to turn you into a gold-star road warrior? Only the right kind of drive.
Gotta Own ‘em All
Ownership is a very strong feeling. Knowing that you own something and that it is fully yours is quite empowering. We all learn about ownership at some point in our lives, and usually struggle with the meaning throughout our younger years. I was taught at a very young age about ownership by my father; owning my mistakes, owning my accomplishments, owning pets, and physically purchasing something – making me the owner.
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Mid-Air Platforms
From rockets to reversing the Casimir Effect, learn the science behind mid-air platform suspension in video games!
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Kiss your free time goodbye: you can now play 900 pre-1996 arcade games online for free.
Ok, now just tell me how to fit a quarter into my USB slot.The golden age of arcade games has returned—to your web browser. The Internet Archive exists to create a digital copy of, well, ev
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Ask Riley – Double Sonic Questions
Five year old Riley tells us her favorite Sonic game, and answers the often-asked question, "Why is Sonic blue?" once and for all!
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
PS Plus November 2014 Lineup
The games available for free to PlayStation Plus subscribers this month include SteamWorld Dig and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth.
Posted in: by imokruok -
Super Smash Bros. Glitch Bans Players for 136 Years
That's a long time, but maybe just wait until the Wii U version comes out in a few weeks?
Posted in: by imokruok -
Ace Gamer: Night Gamery – Castlevania: the Dracula X Chronicles
After his Popful Mail Review, Mike Maverick discovers an Evil Mask that comes every Halloween. This is Night Gamery.
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Game Overkill – Doom
If you follow me on Twitter and were paying attention (by following #GameOverkill), you might have noticed that as I started playing Doom, I slowly came to the realization that this game I thought I loved for two decades… yeah, I had never played it. Turns out I had it confused with Doom II all this time. I even had the original on my personal list of games everyone should play at least once, but not its sequel.
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Castlevania VS. Ghosts ‘n Goblins
Welcome back to Rebel Sound Off! Previously, we looked at boss music from Fester’s Quest and Gremlins 2: The New Batch. This is what you guys had to say:
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
The Aaron's Way: 12 easy payments of just $120 a month
Or you know, you can just hold off for 4 months and buy it out right. This is legal loan sharking.
Stop Buying DLC
To really understand the vastness of the Video Games industry, you need to know some numbers. $22.2 billion annually in North America alone. Hundreds of millions of players worldwide. Million-dollar prize pools. International sales projected to double the film industry. The mainstream has grabbed ahold of Video Games and will never let go.
Posted in: by greengabe -
This demented MacBook is only happy if you shoot yourself in the head
Yesterday, we wrote up NYU Game Center’s student showcase, and one of the stars of the show was Lie to the Devil, a really cool, severely troubling game where a player sits down with a sinister MacBook that tries to con them into putting a bullet in their head.
Posted in: by yuriburi -
Ask Riley – Scariest Game Halloween Special
Happy Halloween. For this spookiest of holidays, Riley let’s us know what the scariest game she ever saw me play. The answer, which was completely uncoached, astounded even me! She’s seen me play some pretty frightening titles.
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
The Bestiarium : Zombies
Halloween week continues with a large list of everyone's favorite video game villain: ZOMBIES!
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Why A Link to the Past is the Worst Zelda
Well this guy just made a lot of peoples' hate list...hear him out though before you judge.
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Playmate Pamela Horton Slays ‘Em As Bayonetta
Playboys resident Gamer Next Door Pamela Horton was more than happy to don the skintight leathers pistols and well pistolheels of the triggerhappy witch at the center of...
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
Inventor Of 'Operation' Game Can't Afford Real-Life Operation
John Spinello earned a small spot in pop culture history 50 years ago when he invented Operation, the battery-powered game that lets kids play surgeon. But now, the 77-year-old Illinois man needs $25,000 in oral surgery and can't afford to pay fo...
Twitch changes its rules of conduct to forbid topless and "sexually suggestive" streaming
You may have the body of a Greek god, all rippling muscle and taut sinew, but no matter how good you look in a Speedo (or out of one), Twitch would very much appreciate it if you'd keep yourself covered up while you're streaming on its service. In fact, it's gone so far as to insist on it, with an update to its rules of conduct mandating that all streamers dress "appropriately."
Posted in: by powpow -
Xbox One Gets Another Price Cut
Slash, slash slash: the once-$499 Xbox makes its way all the way down to $349 with a special promotional offer from Microsoft taking $50 off the top (it lost those other $100 along with the Kinect a few months ago).
Posted in: by socialiguana -
Arcade Android Plays – Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
The Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines Gold Patch is hosted on a NSFW site, but this link will take you directly to the download...
Posted in: by rizzardcore -
The Physics of the Hendo Hoverboard
This hoverboard looks like the real deal – unlike the recent fake hoverboard. Although I’m not exactly sure how the Hendo Hoverboard works, I have a pretty good guess. Let’s look at electromagnetic repulsion physics that it might use.
Posted in: by darvinhg -
Rooster Teeth Raises $442,389 For Extra Life, LeVar Burton Reads Adult Kids’ Books
The funds raised are more than impressive, but the highlight of the day stream-a-thon was a visit from Reading Rainbow’s Levar Burton. The actor read his new children’s book, The Rhino Who Swallowed a Storm, to the Rooster Teeth cast and crew before reading another “children’s” book more aptly suited for adults called Go the F*** to Sleep. Burton’s reading reached vir
Posted in: by rizzardcore