7 years ago
I left Apple Notes for Google Keep, and Came Crawling Back
When I first looked at Google Keep, I blushed. I was taken aback by the beauty of its design. I felt a little guilty. I mean, Apple Notes worked just fine. It did want I wanted. It didn’t crash and flake out like Evernote. It was a solid partner. But when I looked at Google Keep I just got excited. It was something new, something that could maybe offer me more. I thought it could satisfy me in ways Apple Notes could not. Labels (on Keep) vs. Folders (Apple) Really Caught My Eye, so I started spending more time with Keep.
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I find myself using Apple Notes religiously just because it's a damn stable piece of software and works well on the apple ecosystem.
I think that is the most significant factor. Apple is very good at keeping their users in their ecosystem so if you are in it Apple Notes would be a good fit for you. Then again if you aren't in the Apple ecosystem you wouldn't be able to use Apple Notes.