• spaceghoti

    I don't know that this isn't simply wishful thinking, but I would certainly welcome the end to our hyper-capitalist attitudes. I think we've been through this transition before, namely after the 1920s. So even if we are coming out of an era of greed and unrestrained capitalism I don't think it safe to say that it will never come back. Humans aren't very good at learning from history.

    • Amulet

      I find it ironic that as individuals we do learn from past events, and personal experience is valued highly, but as a society our memory is laughably short. We suck at passing the learned wisdom to others. Hopefully information technology can alleviate this and extend our collective memory span.

      We certainly won't see the end of capitalism any time soon, but I believe the internet will prove to be a monumental turning point for the better in human history.