7 years ago
I Was an Exxon-Funded Climate Scientist
ExxonMobil’s deliberate attempts to sow doubt on the reality and urgency of climate change and their donations to front groups to disseminate false information about climate change have been public knowledge for a long time, now. Investigative reports in 2015 revealed that Exxon had its own scientists doing its own climate modeling as far back as the 1970s: science and modeling that was not only accurate, but that was being used to plan for the company’s future.
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It's too funny, because I'm positive there is a metric ton of assholes out there that still believe that humans have no effect on climate.
Remember when the industry employed researchers told us all that leaded gasoline wasn't harmful? How about cigarettes? A lot of people bought that garbage then, too. People actually believed cigarettes weren't harmful, just like people now believe humanity's industrial activities aren't significantly affecting the world's climate. They had pretty much the same attitude and made the same kind of arguments.
Well, we all know who turned out to be truthful and who was misled by lies then, don't we.