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3 years ago+4 4 0Paris demonstrators demand EU ban products linked to Uighur slave labour
Demonstrators gathered in Paris on Saturday to demand an EU ban on products linked to the use of forced labour of Uighur minorities in China’s Xinjiang province. Speaking to FRANCE 24, Raphaël Glucks…
3 years ago+20 20 0The creator economy is in crisis. Now let’s fix it.
Nearly two years ago, I published “The Passion Economy and the Future of Work,” which laid out a vision for online work that was informed by and a reaction to the challenges of the gig economy.
4 years ago+32 32 0 x 1Write Simply
I try to write using ordinary words and simple sentences. That kind of writing is easier to read, and the easier something is to read, the more deeply readers will engage with it. The less energy they expend on your prose, the more they'll have ...
5 years ago+6 6 07 Blogging Pitfalls to Avoid
After blogging for 30 months, here are the biggest pitfalls I made early on with Money Life Wax. For each, I included what you SHOULD do instead.
5 years ago+7 7 010 Ways To Lead Yourself to Success
10 ways to lead YOURSELF to the writing career of your dreams. Jenny Hansen shares how micro-actions that take minutes can read huge rewards for your writing.
5 years ago+28 28 0 x 1How to Write Usefully
What should an essay be? Many people would say persuasive. That's what a lot of us were taught essays should be. But I think we can aim for something more ambitious: that an essay should be useful.
5 years ago+8 8 0How I Gather News to Help Build Communities
Gathering and sharing news and updates is a bit of an art and it's a time consuming one too.
5 years ago+5 5 0Eight Ways To Help You Be A Smarter Writer in 2020
I don’t do resolutions. Well, that’s not completely true. I did make one this year — to read everyday, even if for only a half hour, and only from real tree books. But maybe you guys, as members of the tortured writers club, do try to start with a c ...
5 years ago+6 6 05 Stories That Prove You’re Never Too Old To Be Published
Have you ever thought you might have missed the boat on getting your work published? Here are 5 stories that prove you are never too old to get published.
5 years ago+3 3 0Ego Bait, Roundups & Sky Scrapers
Here we will take a look at three techniques for developing content that is both unique and engaging. We will be covering each content strategy independently, breaking them down and explaining what’s involved and how to implement each one. How to lev ...
5 years ago+5 5 07 Creative Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Stand Out
With over four million blog posts published every day (and that’s just on WordPress!), how do you make yours stand out? Here are 7 creative ways to do that.
5 years ago+9 9 0Why Medium Actually Sucks
It has nothing to do with a paywall
5 years ago+8 8 0John The Blind - Paranoid (Official Audio)
5 years ago+27 27 0 x 1A Solution for Loneliness
Get out and volunteer, research suggests
5 years ago+7 7 0I wrote the book on user-friendly design. What I see today horrifies me
The world is designed against the elderly, writes Don Norman, 83-year-old author of the industry bible Design of Everyday Things and a former Apple VP.
5 years ago+6 6 0Andrew Bird - "Sisyphus" (Official Music Video)
5 years ago+14 15 1Ben Platt - Bad Habit [Official Video]
5 years ago+28 29 1 x 1Spencer Barnett - Suicide Note (Official Audio)
6 years ago+10 10 0Google Plus Shuffles off its Mortal Coil: Have You Un-Googled?
Google Plus is about to go dark. Make sure you've removed links to Google Plus from all your social media, or you'll have a lot of dreaded broken links.
6 years ago+7 7 0Should You Give Up on Writing When You Have Kids?
Five and a half years ago, my writing career finally seemed on the verge of taking off. I’d just published my first novel, I’d finished writing Publishing E-Books For Dummies, which was to be published by Wiley, and I’d launched an online membership ...