Post Overview
6 years ago+8 8 0Useful Time Management Hacks Every Writer Should Know
Time management is important in any line of work, but for the writer, it can be the difference between getting paid or not.
6 years ago+12 12 0Seven Ways to Get Other People to Respect Your Writing Time
Picture this: You sit down to write, having managed to summon up the last dregs of your energy at the end of a long day … and your housemate pulls up a chair next to you to tell you all about the terrible date they went on the previous night. Or yo ...
Current Event
6 years ago+12 12 0Couple criticized for hanging out of a train to take an Instagram photo
A popular travel blogging couple have been slammed for dangling precariously out of a moving train in Sri Lanka for an Instagram photo.
6 years ago+19 19 04 Ways to Create (And Maintain) a Writing Habit
When I wrote my first book in 2013, I was newly married and working a full-time job. While writing, that dream of every writer’s heart whispered to me every morning: What if this is what you could do to make a living? As I’d done for decades, I sile ...
6 years ago+3 3 0Creative Blog Topics for Every Month of the Year
If this sounds like you, never fear! CEM is here, with ways to spark new blog ideas regardless of your industry. We’ve used the months of the year for season-specific inspiration. So, put away your thinking cap and find your next blog idea…right here ...
6 years ago+37 37 0 x 1Our Language Affects What We See
A new look at “the Russian Blues” demonstrates the power of words to shape perception
6 years ago+15 15 0This 10-Minute Routine Will Increase Your Clarity And Creativity
“Your subconscious mind works continuously, while you are awake, and while you sleep.” — Napoleon Hill
6 years ago+23 24 1Why You Should Start A Blog In 2019
The independent blog has been in decline for years. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s why you should start a blog in 2019—and host it yourself.
6 years ago+39 39 0 x 2The Way American Parents Think About Chores Is Bizarre
Children naturally want to help at a very early age—but many families wait to conscript them until that desire has faded.
6 years ago+8 8 0How to Dismantle Your 4 Greatest Writing Fears
If you’re aiming for success in the writing sphere, there’s a good chance you’ve learned more about anxiety than you ever dreamed possible.
6 years ago+31 31 0 x 126 People Told Us How Public Libraries Make Their Lives Better
"It made me love learning, which is the greatest gift I possibly could have received."
6 years ago+5 5 0Facial image matching system risks 'chilling effect' on freedoms, rights groups say
System dubbed ‘the capability’ processes Australians’ information whether they are crime suspects or not
6 years ago+2 2 0What to Do When Someone Steals Your Blog Content
When should you worry when someone steals your blog content and what can you do about it? ProBlogger Darren Rowse has had countless content theives steal from his sites for more than a decade - this is his advice.
6 years ago+15 15 0Building a Titan: Better security through a tiny chip
At the Made by Google event last week, we talked about the combination of AI + Software + Hardware to help organize your information. To better protect that information at a hardware level, our new Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL devices include a Titan M chi ...
6 years ago+29 29 0 x 3Trix: A rich text editor for everyday writing
Compose beautifully formatted text in your web application. Trix is an editor for writing messages, comments, articles, and lists—the simple documents most web apps are made of. It features a sophisticated document model, support for embedded attachm ...
6 years ago+12 12 0What is Voice and Tone? (And Why Should You Care)?
What is voice and tone in writing? Why should you even care? Does it REALLY matter? Yes, yes it does. Here's why your voice and tone is so important.
6 years ago+28 28 0 x 1Posting Instagram Sponsored Content Is the New Summer Job
While some teens spent the summer babysitting or working retail, thousands of others made big bucks on the social network.
6 years ago+39 39 0 x 1The 20-Hour Flight Is Coming. And It May Have a Gym and Bunks
The goal of a nonstop flight from Sydney to London -- half the way around the planet -- took a leap forward as the world’s top planemakers convinced Qantas Airways Ltd. they can make the 20-hour route a reality.
6 years ago+5 5 0Save What You Write Online With This Chrome Extension
It’s harder than it used to be to accidentally lose all your work. Apps come with auto-save, and Chrome tries to warn you before you close a tab with unsaved work. But hit enter too fast, or suffer a crash, and you could still lose a lot of writing. ...
6 years ago+34 34 0 x 1Next-gen insect repellents to combat mosquito-borne diseases
Nearly 700 million people suffer from mosquito-borne diseases—such as malaria, West Nile, Zika and dengue fever—each year, resulting in more than 1 million deaths. Increasingly, many species of mosquitoes have become resistant to the popular pyrethro ...
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