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Published 8 years ago by racerxonclar with 1 Comments
  • I really had a hard time deciding whether or not to share this. Part of me is just amazed at what's going on and felt it needed to be seen... other really wondered if it was worth dragging it over to Snapzu. But, I'm a fan of information, so I decided on the former. Event was large enough to actually wind up in my Facebook feed from friends.

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  • rosellem

    When reddit started it was just a community of people posting links and talking about stuff. The mods were humble volunteers doing good work keeping the site humming along. But then reddit grew, and suddenly its visited by millions of people and these mods are in control of content on one of the largest sites on the internet.

    Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Those are words of warning for this site as well.

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