• spaceghoti
    @Appaloosa -

    Boethius seems to think that every genius should be nurtured and the rest of us morons can just fend for ourselves. I'm arguing that education benefits everyone and where possible we should enable our teachers to give students the personalized attention they need to reach whatever potential they're capable of.

  • Appaloosa
    @spaceghoti -

    That is a worthy and just cause.

  • [Deleted Profile]

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  • Appaloosa
    @ -

    Not to add gasoline to the fire, but we seem to be ok in determining if a fetus is viable or not, but that doesn't apply after that?

    • Appaloosa
      @Appaloosa -

      Life is a chance, a gift and a treasure. It appears to be rare in the universe and we relish in snuffing it out in wars, convenience and amusement.