4 years ago
The Extraordinary Power of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram Live
There’s an incredible, immediate intimacy in opening your phone, seeing that someone is live on Instagram, and clicking over to see their face staring straight into yours.
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I hope (and believe) that we'll her a lot from AOC in the future. Total fan!
Remember when she said she was almost assassinated in the Jan 6 insurrection?
She wasn't even in the building, she was blocks away in her office.
Any time she portrays herself as a victim or gets histrionic over something and gets it on camera, take a long, hard look.
Any actual proof of that? She was after all on the list of people they wanted to lynch. She also said they wanted to assassinate senators and members of congress and she was speaking the truth, when she said that. Nit picking without proof really doesn't make the whole incident any less dangerous or criminal.
According to this she was in the Capitol building as the riot started, so what you said was a blatant lie.
From your source:
Her office is NOT in the capitol building. Senior members of congress have a small, second office in the building, but even their primary offices are located in other buildings, some relatively near, some blocks away.
Where did this "list of people they wanted to assassinate" come from. Who makes a list and carries it to a riot? Sounds like a FF or something CNN made up. Do you have a source?
It's easy to say something like you said with the benefit of hindsight and distance and your lack of actual involvement. (You weren't involved, were you?) At the time, she and other members of parliament had no real idea of the extent of the attack, so when she says she was terrified, you can give her no sympathy? Just: she wasn't in the building so she had no justification for feeling the way she did and she was therefore lying?
From what the rioters were saying themselves, from the fact that they knew where, for instance Pelosi's office was, and clearly Pelosi was someone they were after. Pence, Pelosi, that's a list for a start.
Where was this reported? And were there names to attach to the rioters who said there was a kill list, or were they anonymous rioters. Because there's no way an antifa member would put on a red hat and drop some good sound bites for a pocket full of cash.
And if it was really an insurrection, why did they all bring flags, not guns.
She may well have been afraid. I doubt it, just based on her staged photos of crying at a parking lot fence that was supposed to be "children in cages". You know, the overflow facility for solo illegal children in Texas. The one Obama established, Trump shut , and Biden just reopened. If she can be a victim, a martyr, or just get attention, she'll do it. Why are we opening the borders to make it necessary before we open restaurants?
Sorry for the tangent, it's just everything the government has done since 20 Jan makes no sense.
Where they were chanting "Hang Pence".
So, a politician then?
What's that got to do with the capitol riot? Are you implying that there were antifa members in the riot? I'm pretty sure that's been roundly debunked.
Are you saying they didn't have guns? At least one had a spear with a steel tip. This is not just a flag.
Edit: And for a third side to today's sorry state of affairs, here's a quote that has been incorrectly attributed to Bruce Lee and Warren Buffet (So no source, but good advice):
“You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.”
whoa! hey let's keep it civil
sorry to butt in with points of order but i now have skin in this game because i read snapzu specifically to not read people namecalling
the person you are replying to could very well be misinformed according to an Elle magazine piece about an interview on a MSNBC of Katie Porter
however, NoWearingPants on snapzu is a source i have every bit of trust in as Katie Porter on MSNBC (in fact, i have more experience with and trust from interacting with NoWearingPants than Katie Porter - whom i never heard of before)
so to call one of them a blatant liar is, in itself, misleading and granting some kind of credibility to one source over the other
not to mention completely out of line
granted i havent checked NotWearingPants' notes but I have not checked MSNBC's talking head's notes either so let's just go with that both pieces of information could be true and either of them could be false and that the truth is probably not be found in accusing one of them of lying
Some say the sun rises in the east, some say it rises in the west, the truth probably lies somewhere in between, eh?
Except nobody claims the sun rises in the west
so keep pounding that strawman into submission
There are people who believe the earth is flat. As Einstein said, there is no limit to human stupidity. And clearly my example was to show that it is not always necessary to accept that there are too sides to an argument. Sometimes one side is just wrong.
But they will never admit they are wrong. A nurse in a news broadcast indicated a patient said she could not have covid cause it's a hoax,even as they were getting ready to ventilate her.
gtfo with that moving the goal posts shit to include flat earthers
EiNsTeiN sAiD yOuR sTuPid cUz sOmE ppL beLiVE erTh fLAt
just because flat earthers are labeled conspiracy theorists doesnt mean AOC is telling the truth
you dont have proof of that. you dont
so you are guilty of the hypocrisy you seek to expose
Yes, thanks. This is generally my favorite place to visit, because people are kind and respectful to one another and discussions are civil.
I completely agree, here but I still will call people out when I think what they are saying isn't true, although that is rare.
I must say, I am finding US politics dismayingly, divisive and filled with lies at the moment and it seems easy to fall into the habit of liking something because it fits in with what you believe rather than whether it's true.
Easily one of the truest statement on the interwebs.
Not a fan myself. Lots of hype but little substance.