
AdelleChattre 50

“I believe in optimism and lots of white paint.” — Summer Glau

50 99.5% 12,829 3,401 181,001 92
Appaloosa 50

"Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned." - Mark Twain

50 99.5% 3,759 4,175 105,355 77
50 99.5% 8,656 554 131,278 74
Gozzin 50

If you're adblocking you're missing out on some of the most annoying things the internet has to offer!

50 99.5% 1,788 10,108 36,544 67
50 99.5% 4,335 1,521 24,190 77
48 99.4% 3,167 1,323 54,119 69
hxxp 46

This world is my playground.

46 99.3% 3,154 646 56,358 64
Maternitus 46

Under the radar alchemyst.

46 99.3% 1,179 1,369 41,222 63
46 99.5% 3,132 181 17,595 56
42 99.1% 2,059 207 38,173 55
42 99.5% 1,894 125 17,400 62
imokruok 41

inhale 2 puffs into lungs every 4 hours as needed for cough/wheezing

41 99.5% 1,395 452 11,852 69
33 95.8% 184 1,185 2,763 39
31 92.3% 221 190 1,794 35
31 97.9% 182 68 7,600 37
jhyeon 4

jhyeon @ Snapzu

4 65.7% 4 1 12 2