Post Overview
11 years ago+23 23 0Could a BOMB have been hidden in a crate of fruit on MH370?
There was laughter at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur when officials revealed that the only cargo on the Boeing 777 jet was a four-ton consignment of fruit - but that cargo could have concealed a bomb, according to investigators.
Current Event
11 years ago+4 4 0Apple Launches 8GB iPhone 5C
Apple has released a cheaper variant of its iPhone 5C, with only 8GB of storage memory, in Europe. The device, which has appeared on the website of UK carrier O2, as well as App...
11 years ago+15 15 0Now You Can Make Your Own Internet-Connected Gadgets, No Engineering Skills Required
The littleBits Cloud Module--debuted today at TED--lets you create your very own objects that are part of the larger Internet of Things.
Current Event
11 years ago+18 18 0Save the Internet - contact your representative today!
Save the Internet in Europe
11 years ago+11 11 0 x 1Top Medium Collections everybody should follow
Best Medium collections to check out.
Current Event
11 years ago+15 15 0EU votes in favor of universal mobile charger
550 votes to 12 says that chargers need to be standardized.
Current Event
11 years ago+19 20 116 killed in stampedes for jobs in Nigeria
ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — At least 16 people were killed in stampedes for government jobs in Nigeria when hundreds of thousands were invited to apply f
Current Event
11 years ago+26 26 0Ukraine crisis: Early results show Crimea overwhelmingly votes to join Russia
First numbers in a referendum in Ukraine's Crimea region on whether to join Russia or become an effectively independent state connected to Ukraine expected soon.
Current Event
11 years ago+20 20 0Google Drive Gets A Big Price Drop, 100GB Now Costs $1.99 A Month
Google today significantly dropped the prices for its Google Drive online storage service. The first 15GB of storage remain free, but 100GB now costs just..
11 years ago+12 12 0New Jersey Becomes Third State To Ban Tesla’s Direct Sales Model
Today the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission passed a rule that will end Tesla's direct sales of cars to consumers. Tesla, a manufacturer of all-electric..
11 years ago+10 10 0Banksy Creates a New Version of "Balloon Girl" for the #WithSyria Campaign
Has Banksy's art gone too mainstream?
Current Event
11 years ago+14 14 0Mystery fake-passport holders on flight MH370 were Iranian - Telegraph
A BBC Persian report says that the two Iranians on the Malaysia Airlines plane had bought the fake passports in order to migrate to Germany and Denmark
11 years ago+18 18 0Where In The World Is Malaysia Airlines Flight 370? Conspiracy Theorists Take To The Internet
On Saturday a Boeing 777 disappeared over the South China sea without a trace. We still have no idea where it is. Conspiracy theorists, start your...
11 years ago+13 13 0What 10 Brands' Terrible Websites Looked Like On The Day They Launched In The 1990s
Coca-Cola and McDonald's weren't nearly as tech-savvy as they are now.
11 years ago+24 24 0Apple releases iOS 7.1 with reboot fix, UI tweaks, and CarPlay
The long-awaited iOS 7.1 update is now available. While this is a point release, Apple has made several tweaks to the iOS user interface, alongside the usual bug fixes and some feature additions....
Current Event
11 years ago+19 19 0Mexican cartel leader killed in shootout, three years after police said they killed him the first time
WARNING: Graphic content. Kingpin Nazario Moreno Gonzalez played dead for more than three years before his body was recovered Sunday from a shootout with federal police.
11 years ago+9 9 0Google Faces Antitrust Heat In India | TechCrunch
Google could face a penalty of up to $5 billion if found guilty by the Competition Commission of India in a two-year old probe launched to investigate if the..
11 years ago+10 10 0Reasons to buy a phone
Why people buy Android Vs Why people don't buy Android phones
11 years ago+11 11 0New York’s economy is bigger than the economies of Spain, Mexico and South Korea
The biggest metropolitan areas in the U.S. have economies bigger than most countries
11 years ago+12 13 1 x 2A 25-Year Timeline Of The World Wide Web
While some concepts of the Internet date back to the 1950s, the public-facing World Wide Web traces its history back 25 years.