Post Overview
10 years ago+21 22 1To make a car, Audi had to blow one up
About an hour from Munich, Audi basically runs a city. Its headquarters are situated in Ingolstadt, a city of around 125,000 people. Audi employs over 35,000 here, an enormous complex housing...
10 years ago+2 2 0Powdered alcohol is coming to a liquor store near you
Putting a can of beer in a brown paper bag is about to look like child's play. A new product that's somehow been approved by US regulators makes booze as discreet as a packet of sugar. It's called...
10 years ago+19 19 0 x 1How Dropbox Knows When You’re Sharing Copyrighted Stuff (Without Actually Looking At Your Stuff)
Late last night, a tweet was spread far and wide showing that a DMCA notice had blocked a file from being shared on a Dropbox user's account. What was..
10 years ago+17 17 0Ten ways the Ukraine crisis may change the world
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - As Moscow and the West dig in for a prolonged stand-off over Russia's annexation of Crimea, risking spillover to other former Soviet republics and beyond, here are 10 ways in which
11 years ago+5 5 0A City by City Guide to America's Filthy Porn Searches
Our favorite depraved data crunchers at the Pornhub Insights blog are at again, this time in collaboration with our other good friends over at Digg. And what do they have for us today? A city by city rundown of America's favorite special alone t ...
11 years ago+7 7 0Oculus is the first billion-dollar company to emerge from Kickstarter
Not even two years have passed since Oculus VR began a Kickstarter campaign to raise $250,000 for a better prototype of its virtual reality goggles known as Oculus Rift. It ended up raising $2.4 million. Today the company sold to Facebook for about $ ...
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11 years ago+16 16 0The Internet Reacts To Facebook Buying Oculus Rift
Now that Facebook is buying Oculus Rift, people have all sorts of opinions. Unsurprisingly, reactions have been rather negative: Oculus was supposed to be the future of gaming! Now that Facebook is involved, everything is ruined!
11 years ago+3 3 0See the many faces of the HTC One's Dot View case
Earlier today, HTC announced the new One, its new flagship smartphone loaded with great design and tons of features. While the design of the One itself is striking, one of the most interesting...
Current Event
11 years ago+22 22 0Search area for Malaysian airliner widened after French satellite images
The search area for a missing Malaysian jetliner in remote seas off Australia was widened on Monday after French satellite images revealed potential "floating debris" several hundred kilometers north of pictures previously captured by U.S. ...
11 years ago+9 9 0 x 1Facebook unveils Hack, a faster programming language to power the social network
Facebook streamlined PHP, made it better, and that Hack was now the official language running the site used by 1.2 billion users.
Current Event
11 years ago+27 27 0French Satellite Offers Fresh Lead In Hunt for Missing Jet
Malaysia’s Ministry of Transport said the country had received images from French authorities "showing potential objects in the vicinity of the southern corridor,” the same region as previous satellite sightings possibly linked to the missing Ma ...
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11 years ago+15 15 0How to find out when someone joined twitter and their first tweet
Find out when someone joined Twitter, their first tweet. You could also delete your first tweet easily.
11 years ago+6 6 0Beware of This Dangerously Convincing Google Docs Phishing Scam
A very tricky phishing scam that takes advantage of Google Docs is making its way around the web. And since it uses a URL and even makes use of Google's SSL encryption, it's almost impossible to tell that it's a hack. Your b ...
11 years ago+22 22 0Brazilian Drug Dealers Love Social Media
Because there's no better way to flaunt their guns, gold and girls.
11 years ago+16 16 0Do You Think the CIA Infected African-Americans With HIV? You're Not Alone
Half of all Americans believe in that or one of five other medical conspiracy theories
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11 years ago+26 26 0UK's new 12-sided £1 said to be the world's most secure coin
The UK is planning to introduce a new 12-sided £1 coin that it says will be the hardest in the world to fake. Pending approval, the dodecagon coin will replace the current circular design, and...
Current Event
11 years ago+18 18 0Malaysia: Files Were Deleted From Flight Simulator
Malaysia's defense minister says files were recently deleted from the home flight simulator belonging to the pilot aboard the missing Malaysian jetliner. Hishammuddin Hussein told a news conference Wednesday that investigators are trying to ret ...
11 years ago+9 10 1A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet
A pilot with 20 years of experience provides the best explanation yet on what happened to flight MH370.
11 years ago+20 20 0Hidden flipside
Bitcoin: the original THE father has been found in time for his child’s funeral. That would appear to be the sorry state of affairs in the land of Bitcoin, a...
11 years ago+9 9 0Facebook's working on facial verification that's 'nearing human-level performance'
Identifying faces is a relatively simple task if you're a human, but it's been a long road for computers to do the same thing. Now Facebook says it's developed a technology for verifying whether...