Post Overview
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9 years ago+1 1 0What's your favorite game?
It's Wednesday, everyone! I just added a few rules to the sidebar (not very many, will flesh them out as we go), and I'll start posting some content now. I encourage anyone reading to post content as well! The more we've got going on, the more this will grow, and that's a good thing.
Now, back to the title. What is everyone's favorite game? What's the one game, no matter how often you play it, you end up going back to time and time again? The game you'll never get board of setting up and playing?
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9 years ago+2 2 0Tabletop is under construction!
This Tribe is obviously brand new (made it a few minutes ago), and I'm new to the site. I'll be working hard to get some rules set up, and then start bringing in some content. Once I've got a little bit on here, I'll start promoting it. If you find yourself here in the meantime, hold tight! I'll have it going soon.
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9 years ago+2 2 0Hello, ladies and gentlemen of Snapzu!
I just joined about a day ago, and everything is fantastic so far. And I have to say, I'm really liking the design of this site. Everything actually makes sense, all the buttons are clearly labelled and everything feels like it goes where it's supposed to. Anyways, I'm enjoying my time here, and here's to a growing community!